One of the new “Premium Fjords” that will arrive October 17
Next Wednesday, October 17th, the Jorvik world will be graced with the welcoming of the remodeled Fjord horse, now known as the Premium Fjord Horse. With that news, it is sad to report that on October 10th the Classic Fjord was removed from the game and will no longer be available to purchase. Hopefully, everyone that wanted one had the opportunity to purchase one before they left.
Star Stable stated in the original news post that they had to remove the Fjord from the game in order to move forward with their game development. They also stated that eventually all old models will work their way out. This makes me rather sad as I feel a sense of nostalgia when it comes to the old models. I rather enjoy the slow gallop/gallop of the older models (ex: Jorvik Pony, Chincoteague Pony, North Swedish, Tinker, Fjord, Arabian, Andalusian, and Friesian) because it is so rhythmic. I know that isn’t the popular opinion but that is okay! Secretly, I was so sad when the Starter Horse model was updated to remove that gait. Personally, my own goal is to make sure that I have at least one of each of those breeds before they are removed. I still need to buy an old Friesian, Chincoteague, and North Swedish, as they are the only ones that I don’t have in my horse collection.
What does it mean when they say to ‘move forward with game development’ well the limited abilities of the old models prevent them from adding tack, abilities, etc. to newer horses. I am not sure what that means for the old models that people already have since if somebody buys a new type of tack, they will probably want to use it on their old model. However, my theory is that it just won’t be an available option on the old models.

Goodbye Fjords & Kallter event on Night Star
Also with the removal of the old Fjord, the Kallters headed back through Icengate and are no longer standing outside of it. ! If you are looking for the Kallters equipment that was for sale in front of the Icengate, it has now been moved to the Jorvik Mall. I assume that the reputation that had been required is no longer needed. The transportation balloon that took you there is also gone. Without too many spoilers, I am rather excited to see what the future holds as something exciting or mysterious is definitely happening in the Valley of the Hidden Dinosaurs and I cannot wait to see why the Kallters took off in fear.
Maybe Ashland is going to erupt? Maybe there is a hidden monster somewhere that has woken up from its slumber? It is the Valley of the Hidden Dinosaur so maybe that Hidden Dinosaur isn’t as hidden as we thought! What are your theories? I’d love to read them in the comments.