Tomorrow is the day we have been waiting for for SEVEN years! We get to SAVE ANNE!! That means, we need a Pandoria inspired outfit to get it done. Are you ready to save Anne?? I cannot wait!!
Hat: Pro Brown Helmet [ 7600 JS or 98 SC ] Silversong Handcraft @ Valedale
Shirt: Orange Spring Tshirt [ 2750 JS or 31 SC ] Jorvik City Mall
Pants: Brown Cordoroy Jeans [ 7550 JS or 85 SC ] Jorvik City Mall
Shoes: Purple City Boots [ 4500 JS or 55 SC ] Winterwell Shoebox @ New Hillcrest
Gloves: Purple Equestrian Gloves [ 7100 JS or 73 SC ] New Hillcrest Hat Store @ New Hillcrest
Saddle: Kalltic Sporty Saddle [ 99 SC ] Jorvik City Mall
Bridle: Star Bridle [ 9100 JS or 94 SC ] Observatory Store @ Observatory 12
Blanket: Star Blanket [ 5800 JS or 71 SC ] Observatory Store @ Observatory 12