The long awaited release of the Norwegian Fjord was bound to bring a lot of chatter around Jorvik but I don’t think Star Stable Online had this type of chatter in mind! On October 17, 2018, in the quiet stables of Valedale and Fort Pinta, this adorable fan favorite revealed its face to the masses. The angry masses. Now, not everyone was upset, of course. Most people were just disheartened that this lovely creature no longer required reputation or a high level to get. If you are unaware, the old Fjords required you to be popular with the Kallters and they were for sale in the Valley of the Hidden Dinosaur so it required you to be at least level 15.
Since Star Stable decided to send the Kallters packing in fear back through the Icengate, nobody was around to sell the lovely Fjords to us. Yet, maybe it would have been better to leave them with Nic Stoneground in the stable area. Right now, it broke a lot of hearts having them in Valedale and Fort Pinta, mostly because the Fjord used to be a treasure to achieve but with it being in Fort Pinta for any level and Valedale for level 6… it loses its magic.
That being said, the new Premium Fjord is gorgeous! The new 3D artist, Evelina, was assigned this horse as her first creation in SSO and I personally think that for as daunting of a task this was, she did fantastic. Sure, it is not perfect, but it is adorable! The medium long hair has the normal type tail that people like, if you want to give it a longer hairstyle. If you aren’t aware of what I am referring to… a lot of comments on the Star Stable Online instagram were upset because the tail/forelock on the new model didn’t blend very well. The longer mane may not look like a classic fjord but this model does look rather cute with it!
Sadly, most of us that watch the Star Stable YouTube community, know what the next set of colors would be as a few people somehow managed to switch out the horses coding in the data and put it on a video. That being said, I am very excited to add more of these cuties into my SSO family! Let me know your thoughts in the comments below.